Posted by Andrew Vallee on

Meet & Greet:
Saturday, April 2nd, 2022
3-5 pm


One of the times I feel most myself is when I’m surrounded by nature alone. The other is when I am in the studio. It is here that those two worlds join in my pursuit to fully embody the experience of being and that of creating. I imagine that every artist as they move about their day is continually taking note of the images around them as I do. Sometimes those images get burned into my retina for a myriad of unseen reasons. Be it a color, pattern, feel or even a hint of something familiar or known from my past. The unconscious has it’s own method of making itself known. Some of these images are chosen as subject material and in that process of painting will take on a new life. The body of work in this show is a cumulation of memory, association and observation.


Maria Wickwire is something of a late bloomer. Artistic since childhood, she channeled her creativity through writing poetry and her calling as a teacher, only discovering her passion for sculpture in mid-life. While living in Portland, OR, she showed her work in various galleries and had a public art piece purchased by the City of Lake Oswego as the People’s Choice Award Winner in their Gallery Without Walls. She was also featured on OPB’s Oregon Art Beat. Since moving to the Skagit Valley, Maria has shown at the Perry and Carlson Gallery and currently has work at the Museum of NW Art Store.

“In my work, the process is most important. Rather than beginning with a concept in mind, I play with the clay and watch as the sculpture takes shape in my hands, intuitively responding to her and even being guided by her. As each sculpture emerges, I feel as if I am simply a conduit that allows her to step forth to tell her tale, often one with roots in our connection to the natural world and archetypal story.

Viewers often have differing interpretations of my work, but that simply adds patina to the pieces. I create from a deep place inside and only hope my work will touch others deeply as well.”

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